
Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization

The MVMPO makes decisions about how Federal transportation funds will be used in the region for planning, construction, transit services and more. With input from community officials, members of the public and transportation advocates, the MVMPO implements the regional transportation planning process for the Merrimack Valley region.

We are responsible for developing the three federally mandated transportation planning documents – Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), and Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) – which guide how federal transportation funding will be spent in the region in order to achieve regional goals. We undertake transportation analyses, provide technical assistance to member communities and assist the Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority.

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The TIP may be thought of as the five-year budget, updated annually, that lists those project that will receive Federal transportation funding for construction. Every year, the MVMPO decides which transportation projects in the region will be placed on the TIP, based on a variety of criteria pertaining to priorities and goals as well as project readiness. Federal transportation regulations mandate that the TIP demonstrate fiscal constraint and conformity with federal air quality standards.

Provide links to most current document here.

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) details local transportation planning activities to be undertaken in the upcoming federal fiscal year by MVPC and other MVMPO members.

Provide current document here.

Other MPO Documents

Public Participation Plan (link to document)

Title VI Program 

Obligated Funds (link to document)


The Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) is one facet of the multi-modal transportation network vital to the Merrimack Valley.

The MVMPO brings Federal, State, Regional and Local Transportation officials together with public officials and citizens to coordinate transportation planning in the region.

Merrimack Valley Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)

The 20-year RTP sets the stage for how we will influence our transportation network in the Valley. The MVMPO’s 2020 RTP demonstrates how, with limited funds, we will both maintain our existing infrastructure and improve the multi-modal transportation network so that it works for everyone. We take into account national, state and local priorities and hope to achieve a positive influence on economic development, mobility, the environment, health and overall livability.

Include links to 2020 RTP


The MVMPO is comprised of the following six permanent members:

  • Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation
  • Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division Administrator
  • MVPC Chairperson
  • Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA) Advisory Board Chairperson
  • Mayors (or their designees) of the cities of Haverhill and Lawrence.

In addition, one Administrator, Mayor, Selectperson, Town Manager, or designee from each of the following sub-regions participate in the MVMPO on a rotating basis:

Region 1: Amesbury, Newburyport, and Salisbury;
Region 2: Newbury, Rowley, and West Newbury;
Region 3: Boxford, Georgetown, Groveland, and Merrimac, and
Region 4: Andover, Methuen, and North Andover.

Representatives are selected by MVPC upon recommendations of each sub-region’s communities, and serve two-year terms.

MPO Agendas and Minutes

Post agendas and minutes can be found in our Resource Center.

MVMPO Member Meetings

The MVMPO meets at the MVPC offices,160 Main Street, Haverhill, MA 01830-5061. Its meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. Upon request (preferably two weeks in advance of an MVMPO meeting), every effort will be made to provide accommodations such as assistive listening devices, materials in accessible formats and in languages other than English, and interpreters in American Sign Language.

For questions, please contact the MVMPO Title VI Coordinator, Anthony Kormonick at 978-374-0519 (voice); 978-372-4890 (fax), or

MVMPO meetings are generally held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of the month and are open to the public. Visit our events for details.

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